Using traceable calibrators and both internal and external quality controls to ensure the accuracy of patients’ results.
We use several external quality control samples from well recognized and certified providers such as CAP;
College of American Pathologists
the leading organization of board-certified pathologists, serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide.
For 70 years, the CAP has fostered excellence in laboratories and advanced the practice of pathology and laboratory science. As medicine, technology and pathology have evolved since 1946, the CAP has led the way to meet new challenges that result in better patient outcomes.
Kingdom National External Quality assessment schemes
UK NEQAS is a charitable consortium of external quality assessment laboratories, mostly evolved from NHS services England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
They have over 40 years experience in EQA and its clinical relevance across all the disciplines (Immunology and Allergy, Cellular Pathology, Clinical Biochemistry, Hematology, Transfusion and Transplantation, Genetics, Virology and Microbiology).
Since inception, UK NEQAS units have provided their services to laboratories in a world-wide basis, ensuring that users of similar assays can access comparative data on the best performance achievable globally,
EQAS-BioRad; Instand�Germany) INSTAND e. V. is one of three reference institutions appointed by the German Medical Association and, thus, responsible for the organization of EQAs for quality control in medical laboratories.
These programs ensure that our results are aligned with world-class accredited laboratories and assure the integrity of our analytical process.
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