Hassab labs take immense pride in adopting the approach of total quality management to guarantee the high quality and consistency of our services.
We spare no effort in providing excellent customer oriented service to meet the needs of our customers and medical professionals looking for accurate test results, appropriate interpretation and advisory services.
Committed we are to high quality service, Hassab laboratories managed to earn the certification of ISO 9001 in 2009.
In 2011 our laboratory made a huge step forward by receiving the ISO 15189:2007 accreditation which represents an international recognition of our laboratory commitment to quality, competency and reliable test results.

Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art, fully automated chemistry, immunoassay, hematology and molecular biology analyzers. Our testing capabilities include clinical diagnostic tests covering various fields of medical specializations.
Our quality system is inspected in accordance with international standards through guideline adopted internal quality control program to verify our laboratory test results.
We are also participating in several international proficiency testing programs, which compare our test results with international laboratories, some of those are: EQAS -USA (amylase, chloride, creatinine, PSA, phenytoin, etc…), RIQAS -UK (CRP, IgG, RF, CBC, coagulation, etc…), NEQAS -UK (HBV, HCV, HIV, parasitology ,microbiology, molecular, etc….) and others.
Our test results are perfectly aligned with international laboratories ensuring high accuracy of results.
Feedback from our customers is always welcomed and appreciated. Special procedures are implemented for receiving suggestions, feedback and complaints from our customers either during receiving out services or by follow-up surveys.
Development of our staff is an area of special concern in Hassab Labs. All staff members receive induction trainings and continual development programs which aims at creating a qualified team who is capable of providing excellent, professional, customer-centered services in a timely manner.