Salamtak Checkups Program is a comprehensive medical analysis program containing 12 different packages from prevention to specialised checkups.
Prevention Checkups include basic, preliminary and comprehensive general checkups. Furthermore, the program includes general checkups for children.
Specialised Checkups include diabetes, liver profile, kidney profile, cardiovascular profile, infertility, premarital tests, joint/bone pain, and pregnancy follow-ups.
- Our Clients are the center of our care and their satisfaction is our main goal.
- We value team spirit in our work and respect in our communication.
- We are committed to applying Hassab Labs' quality systems and policies.
We are committed to providing clinical laboratory testing services that are accurate, timely, and affordable.

Home Visits
We provide house visits for elderly and busy patients.
Working Hours: Saturday to Thursday from 8 AM to 10 PM Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM
Book your house visit now.

We take immense pride in adopting the approach of total quality management and infection control.
We work with the latest medical testing equipments, high-tech machines and up-to-date diagnostic techniques.
We’re proud to be one f the leading medical labs in Egypt with over 30 years of expertise in medical analysis and tests.